Times change quickly. In the living room, at the office, and on the working floor. A tablet with video user manuals and instructional videos? Ten years ago the iPad was not even on the market yet. Nowadays, the tablet is an indispensable tool for chores in and around the house or at work. At Foxiz, we have also noticed that more and more instructions and trainings are carried out with the support of tablets. It proves to be rather convenient: simply pull up a digital instruction card or manual, if only to save money on printing. Or just to explore the endless possibilities of augmented reality, professional product visualisation and instructional videos.
What is an Instructional Video?
Instructional videos exist in multiple formats, know different target groups, tasks and products. The possibilities are limitless. A video can serve as an instructional text for operation or maintenance, or as part of a user manual. A video can also serve as part of a training or a learning tool. One video may be brief and focussed on a single task, whereas another may provide detailed instructions on a specific element or adjustment in a production process. Sometimes, an instructional video can be a useful addition to an already existing written manual, but can just as easily be an independent medium.
Who Watches an Instructional Video?
Better yet, who doesn’t? YouTube is an immensely popular platform for both young and old. It is filled with instructional videos for a wide range of purposes. Whether it is advice on makeup, workout exercises, video user manuals for a washing machine or repair tips for a bicycle. It all comes in very handy when you see an alarming signal on the dishwasher and have no clue what to do. In the past you had to search for the user manual, which was obviously hidden in the last place you would ever look. The telephone or tablet is always within close reach. Professional users can enjoy the ease of an increasing number of instructional videos or video user manuals. Digital manuals, work instructions, production cards, and product visualisations all make work a little easier and more efficient. Thank you internet!
Need an Instructional Video?
Thinking of making your own instructional video? It seems so easy. You can record videos with a good quality using just your phone. However, a good instructional video comes with quite a few challenges. The quality stands or falls with what you film, how you film it and why you film it. You need to ask yourself some key questions before you start. What is the goal of developing this instructional video? Do you want to show a brief demonstration when using a drilling machine? Do you want to provide insight into the production process for my employees in the workplace? Or do you want to increase the commercial value of your company or product by using UX (User Experience)? Another important question: Who is the target audience? Without keeping a clear target audience in mind, new initiatives quickly end in disappointment. And finally, is making an instructional video the right choice in this specific case, or are there any other viable methods to support your target audience?
Asking questions and making decisions: Foxiz understands the subtle art of making decisions like no other. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding developing instructional videos, video user manuals, product visualisations or (written) manuals? The Foxiz team is more than willing to give you advice and help you set up a successful instructional video. Keep up with the times! The world around us changes rapidly. We are expected to know the ropes of many tasks, all within easy reach, on a tablet or phone, whether you are studying, operating a machine or simply cleaning the coffee machine. We are ready. Are you?