afbeelding event Write Foxiz Verebus website

First edition of WRITE a huge success!

On Friday the 12th of April it finally happened! In the Verkadefabriek in Den Bosch the first edition of WRITE took place. The event was organised by Foxiz and Verebus to bring (aspiring) technical writers from all sorts of industries together and inform them about the latest developments in the business.

A look at the present and future of technical documentation

After the official opening, guest speaker Niels Stamhuis (Dent B.V.) provided insights into the exciting world of digitalisation and Internet of Things (IoT). The influence of these recent developments on technical documentation and maintenance data was also discussed. From the implementation of S1000D and the setup of documentation in XML modules, to dynamic documentation that changes as products are being developed. And from the possibilities and legal requirements regarding digitally supplying manuals, to the future of technical translations (including Machine Translation and AI).

In the afternoon four smaller sessions took place, each focussing on a different area of expertise:

  • How do you write Defence related documentation and effectively apply S1000D?
  • How do you use SX000i and SX002D to link technical maintenance data together, to make sure that the right information is available at the right time?
  • What is and will soon be possible regarding the digitalisation of work instructions and manuals?
  • How do you optimize the alignment of technical documentation and technical translations?

Informal conclusion to a successful event

Afterwards, all technical writers and documentalists could meet the specialists of Foxiz and Verebus, as well as other subject matter experts, and catch up whilst enjoying some well- deserved drinks. Everyone agreed it had been a very successful afternoon, so we are all looking forward to a second edition of WRITE!