Foxiz Academy courses English | Visual Language

Visual Language

The technical writer understands the importance of visual language (visual communication) in the documentation. A picture says more than a thousand words. In this course, you learn how to effectively use graphic elements, including photos, illustrations, pictograms, tables and even cartoons to optimally convey information.


  • The importance of Visual language;
  • The theoretical framework of using Visual language;
  • Choosing the right type of information transfer;
  • Applying Visual language in practice.

Course Material:

  • Presentation;
  • Assignments;
  • NEN-ISO 3864-2 Safety labels.


After completing the training, the trainee can justify the deliberate use of certain colours, layout and illustrations.

You learn how to use various visual resources and are able to make an autonomous decision on their use.

Additional Information:

If you are interested in this training and would like to learn more about the programme, content and costs, please feel free to contact us: or +31 344 84 88 00