Globally, approximately 70-80% of the manuals is still created in MS Word. In this course, technical writers learn how to better utilise the relevant features in MS Word. The topics that are covered, including how to easily and efficiently use model documents, are directly linked to the needs of the technical writers.
- Shaping a solid documentation structure;
- Developing and securing layout styles;
- Using building blocks, fields and reusing texts;
- Inserting illustrations and captions;
- Using tables;
- Using cross-references, bookmarks and indexes;
- Using document properties.
Course Material:
- Presentation;
- Completed assignments;
- Handouts with tips.
After completing the training, the trainee gained valuable insights into a wide range of Word applications relevant to technical writers.
Additional Information:
If you are interested in this training and would like to learn more about the programme, content and tariffs, please feel free to contact us: or +31 344 84 88 00