Industry documentation
Industry has many faces, both onshore and offshore. Working safely is the most commonly-heard appeal and goes hand-in-hand with process excellence.
Outage of a power plant or incorrect storage of raw materials can have disastrous consequences. Do the people have the right knowledge and background? How do you ensure that the right tasks are correctly carried out by the right people? What do they need to know beforehand and what kind of information is required in the workplace? These are all questions that need to be addressed before a project gets underway in order to arrive at the right content. And then we haven’t even discussed the way in which this information is conveyed or published. The world today brings with it a broad pallet of solutions. Provide guidance at a distance with the use of augmented reality applications (glasses), direct publication straight onto your tablet or nothing less than virtual reality? The options are endless these days, but Foxiz helps you to choose and develop the one that best fits your needs.
Foxiz makes industry documentation understandable

Knowledge counts
At Foxiz, we are convinced that knowledge counts; knowledge of technical documentation, standards, directives, technology, processes and language. And perhaps most important of all; knowledge of the objective and the target audience.
Wide-ranging assignments within various sectors have provided our specialists with an overflowing backpack of knowledge and experience. We implement this know-how and experience to develop documentation for a packaging line, coffee-making appliance, heavy goods vehicle or a navigation system. At Foxiz, we live according to the letter of the law and that applies to technical documentation as well. We apply all the standard rules and regulations such as the NEN-5509 and the Machinery Directive.
Naturally we make use of experienced specialists, selected because of their skill set in their chosen speciality. Combined with the appropriate background and working experience, we ensure that the right specialist is assigned to the right task. The project leader conscientiously reviews the final product for content, spelling and design before delivery to the client. Standardisation, structure and conformity are our core values.

More information
Foxiz is the specialist in the field of technical documentation and translations and we share our craftsmanship with our versatile Academy. Would you like to receive more information about our services and what we can do for your company?