
Foxiz wants to be the best technical content developer in the Netherlands! That is the finish line, but when are you there?In our opinion, the journey may be even more important than the destination. The journey feeds our desire to keep developing. This way, we can continue to improve the final product for our clients.

Unique range of courses Good technical content can only be created by people with the right knowledge and skills. With the Foxiz Academy, we offer a complete and unique range of courses for technical writers. In doing so, we continuously stimulate the development of our own people and the specialists of our clients.

Enthusiastic professionals

Our training courses are taught by enthusiastic professionals. They are passionate about passing on their knowledge and experience and raise your knowledge to a higher level. We facilitate these training courses at our office or on site.

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Our basic offer

The Foxiz Academy has a range of six basic training courses, aimed at providing the essential knowledge and insight to the (novice) technical writer.

MS Word for Technical Writers

Globally, approximately 70-80% of the manuals is still created in MS Word. In this course, ...

NEN 5509 and Machinery Directive

Technical writers learn how to interpret and apply the NEN 5509 and the Machinery Directive ...

Writing Guide

Writing Dutch correctly and flawlessly is no rocket science, as long as you know the ...

Topic Based Writing

This course teaches a student to switch up they way they think about the structure, ...


A technical writer wants to receive the necessary information at the right moment to comfortably ...

Visual Language

The technical writer understands the importance of visual language (visual communication) in the documentation. A ...

Target Audience-Oriented Writing

An important element in the technical writing profession is the way in which you convey ...

DITA/XML for beginners

DITA/XML For Beginners is a practical stepping stone for those who want to learn the ...

These courses can also be combined and taken as a complete training track

In addition to these courses, we also offer an extensive range of profound courses for those looking for more deepening.

Training Course

The basic courses are separate, but can also be combined into one training course called ‘Technical Writer’. We offer companies and universities of applied sciences the opportunity to follow this module. This could be at our office in Tiel, but also on site. This way, (future) technical writers have a solid and complete basic understanding before getting started.

In-depth Courses

In addition to our range of basic courses, we also offer an in-depth course for the experienced writer:

STE Course logo Foxiz Academy

Simplified Technical English

For technical writers

Additional information

Would you like your employees to become the best technical writers? We are more than willing to help.

If you would like to learn more about the programmes, content and costs, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Telephone: +31 344 84 88 00

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